A Module of a Home

Today’s Off-Frame Modulars – Not Your Daddy’s Double-Wide

Welcome To The New and Improved Off-Frame

For the longest time, there have been single-wide and double-wide trailers.  Extremely affordable living accommodations that were moved to your site and set up while keeping the metal frame they were built on in place.

Then they introduced off-frame modulars, basically a glorified double-wide with one major distinction in that the unit was removed from the metal frame before setting.

This description of off-frame modular lasted for many years, but now it is time to turn the page.  Welcome to the new off-frame modular.

New Off-Frame Modulars - Everything a Site-Built Home is EXCEPT...

New Off-Frame Modular

Most everyone knows what a home looks like as it is being built:

  • The site is graded
  • The foundation is built
  • The home is framed
  • All the guts are added
  • The home is finished

While this is an overly simplified look it hits the high notes.  This approach to construction usually takes 6-9 months from start to finish with the home enduring all that mother nature has to give for that time frame.

The Best of Both Worlds

At Blue Ridge Homes we say it is the best of both worlds, because:

  • As we begin doing all the site preparation and building of the foundation, your new home is already under construction.
  • Your home is being built in a climate-controlled factory and will never see a rainy day.

From the standpoint of indoor air quality, I can not over state how important it is that the building materials in an off-frame modular never get wet!  This helps reduce the chance of organisms such as mold and other fungi ever getting started.

So, from day one you are starting out with a structure that is already well ahead of its site-built cousin, who had to endure months of weather.


How Blue Ridge Homes Does Off-Frame Modulars

At Blue Ridge Homes we call them custom off-frame modulars, because they truly are custom.  We do not sit you down with a book and say pick one.  However, our production partner Icon Legacy does have a number of plans to look through to get the creative juices flowing.   What we will do is the following:
  • Initial Consult

    Our first meeting we will sit down and discuss your housing objectives. What are your needs now? What are your needs 5 years from now? Do you have a lot ready to go? How do you plan on financing your home? Along with a lot of other questions.

  • Design Consult

    You have your lot and your ready to talk about your house. Do you have some plans that you have seen online? Do you have ideas from homes you have seen? Do you have a list of Must Haves vs Wants? Are we designing from scratch?

  • Budgeting & Contracting

    You've made it past selecting your new home, now we we need to sit down and establish a budget for your new home and then sign a contract so that your ready to talk to the bank.

  • Time To Build

    You've closed your loan with the bank. Now it's time to send in the deposit to put your home into development while we start grading your lot and getting your foundation ready for your new home.

In a perfect world off-frame modular homes generally take 3-6 months from start to finish.  These timelines are drastically affected by the home manufacturer's schedule and the availability of the materials you have designed into your home.

We all know that the pandemic up-ended many areas of our life and unfortunately custom off-frames were not spared.  Our average turnaround time for a home use to be 6 weeks, our average turnaround time now at the factory is about 10-12 weeks.  Though rest assured in the knowledge that we will keep posted the whole time and will work as diligently as we can to keep your project on time and on budget.